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Wild Garlic Seedy Pesto Recipe

I have been experimenting this Easter weekend and have found my current preferred way to enjoy the bounty of wild garlic this year.

Seedy wild garlic pesto 🌿

We love it! Have with salads, on top of baked fish, on crackers, add to stir-fries, or on roasted vegetables... it's the best freshest Spring condiment.

It has many benefits of the Allium ( garlic ) family: natural antibiotics, blood thinners, circulation support, heart health, sulphur detoxification pathways for liver health, immunity, hormone-balancing...and it's FREE, and totally naturally organic and foraged👌

ALSO, Im avoiding dairy at the moment for a few reasons, and this works great as pesto with no dairy


🌿 100mls of Extra Virgin olive oil. I used the amazing green olive oil I have from our land in Portugal

🌿 50G of mixed seeds...ensure there's flax seed or also known as linseed for the phytoestrogen benefits

🌿 70g of roughly chopped wild garlic.. leave overnight to dry out after washing, so it's a bit drier

🌿 Himalayan salt, just a pinch

Whizz it all up in the Nutribullet. I always find I have to do this at least 5 times to get everything mixed well. And scrape it all together.

Pop in a sterilised jar and top with another 50mls of olive oil and stir in together.

Your free foraged medicinal food is ready to experiment with .. Spring food at its best!

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